Some general questions and comment about Aladdin, it’s mission, theme, and general interest in and around 2025
1. What is the general theme of Aladdin Shriners in 2025?
“Make Fun Thrive in 2025”. As the name indicated, we want to drive member engagement through maximizing fun and fellowship. This goes far beyond the Events, Parties, Vistation, and Trip. It appiles to every meeting we have, and every time Shriners get together.
- While serious matters have to be discussed at times, make sure every meeting has socialization and fun time included.
- When new members attend your meeting, invite them to introduce themselves and ensure they are included in everything you do.
- Embrace the CHANGE!!! When a member has an idea, rather than dismissing it, embrace the idea and help support their effort to try it out.
2. What is the theme of the first Ladies Project?
Shhhh!!! It’s a secret but it’s coming here in a few months.
3. What goodies will the Ladies Project be giving for donations?
Shhhh!!! It’s a secret but it’s coming here in a few months.
4. How can I engage with Aladdin?
Check out this link.
5. Why does this site exist?
The goal of this sight is simple. To help people stay plugged into our major events and find that information quickly and easily.
In case you haven’t found the answer for your question please feel free to contact Aladdin via your Divan Rep, the office, the Chief of Staff, or even the Potentate.